Board member

About Kaitlynn Smith

About Kaitlynn Smith

Since Brooks’ Bereavement Bears has been founded, over two-hundred bears have been donated to mothers experiencing a miscarriage. This is the story of one of those mamas, Kaitlynn Smith. Kait is from Carrollton, Ohio. In January of 2022, Kait and her boyfriend,...

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What is Miscarriage?

When a miscarriage occurs, so many emotions are present, for both the mother and the father. Many are despondent over the sudden loss, angry about why it was their baby, lonely, as miscarriage is a topic not talked about openly, just to name a few of the many...

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About Tyler Prelac and Pedro Chavez

About Tyler Prelac and Pedro Chavez

Father’s Day Weekend is here. It is a time of fun and quality time for some, but for dads who have experienced the loss of a child, it can be very painful. Tyler Prelac, spouse of the founder of Brooks’ Bereavement Bears, and Pedro Chavez, board member of Brooks’...

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Brooks’ Bereavement Bears – Six for 60

Brooks’ Bereavement Bears – Six for 60

In recognition of sixty years of the Stark Community Foundation, the SCF is giving the amazing opportunity for six non-profit organizations to win $10,000 to start an Endowment Fund. One of these non-profits in the running is our very own Brooks’ Bereavement Bears....

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My Story

My name is Taylor Prelac. I am the founder of a small non-profit in Stark County, Ohio called Brooks' Bereavement Bears. We give teddy bears to women who experience pregnancy loss in Ohio. This idea came after my loss in April of 2020 when I was 9 weeks pregnant. It...

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